Saturday, 24 June 2017

"Tavern Dance" : Gorean Dance Exhibition June 2017

Today, Gorean Campus hosted the monthly dance exhibition organized by Rosa (Heida Palianta).  The theme : "Tavern dance" highlighted seven beautiful and talented dancers who hit the sands with creativity and originality.

The amazing event was broadcasted live by the incredible Mistress Dehka of Goreans Portal Radio, a definite crowd pleaser.

The monthly dance exhibition, organized by Rosa is an event you don't wish to miss and will be back in August!  Keep your eye on the calendar for more information and please join us in world at the Campus Arena, you will not be disappointed!

Exhibition Dancers

1 - Rosa (Heida Palianta)
2 - Lack (illusivedreams)
3 - Tasha (Tasha Blackadder)
4 - Sarah (Sarahelisabeth brenham)
5 - Ranjana (bittersweetlover87)
6 - Valeriya (Valeriya Mistwalker)
7 - Calia (Chaiachino)

Monday, 12 June 2017

Have you ever tried to explain, to a not involved, real life acquaintance, what you do in SL?

Well yes... I tried to explain Gor and, what I spend so much time on the computer in SL Gor doing, to a close girl friend.

In our modern societies “slavery” is very yikes… yes? 

So you can imagine it did not go well.  My friend thought I had joined a cult.  She actually wanted to get me help, counselling - yes serious!

I diffused this coming intervention, say it just a computer game and I no going play it anymore  (Krista lied *laughs*)

Interested if you have had, such a 'try explain' experience - please share ok?

Sunday, 11 June 2017

OUT OF THIS WORLD @ Campus today : Sci - Fi Dance

This afternoon at Campus was out of this world!  The OOC monthly dance theme was Sci- Fi and all our favorite characters rocketed to the dance floor!  DJ Ame Starostin blasted us through some incredible music as everyone journeyed over the dance floor!  Watch the calendar for next month's event!